Exhibitor: Association of Hungarian Inventors - MAFE

Inventor and Invention:


VÁRI, Éva, KUNSÁGINÉ B., Tímea, KUNSÁGI, Márk and Dalma: Disabled access device for use on stairs


1.  The Invention



Disabled access device for use on stairs


The problem the inventor(s) wanted to solve

The device allows easy access to buildings, underground passages, etc for those with disabilities, traveling with baby strollers, big luggage, or walking with shopping carts.



By fully or partially covering stairs with the device, a smooth ramp can be created that is equipped on one or both sides with a handrail. The ramp can be built even if there are no stairs.



The device can be adjusted to stairs of any size. It has two parts: (a) a base board that is secured to the walking surface of the stairs, and equipped with rabbets (b) a top board provided with grooves.  The two boards fit perfectly together, and the top board provides a smooth contiguous walking surface with an inclination corresponding to that of the stairs. However, the inclination on the ramp can be adjusted to any standards.



Entrances and indoors stairs of public buildings, family homes, underground passages, etc.



The device is easy to install and easy to mobilize, transport, or in case of necessity to remove. Its production is cheap and can be very environment friendly, for instance by making it from used tires. It can be manufactured in advance, and easily and quickly assembled on site.


Stage of development.



Documentation available:



2.  The inventor (or inventors)



VÁRI, Éva, KUNSÁGINÉ B., Tímea, KUNSÁGI, Márk and Dalma


Self introduction.

VÁRI Éva is interested in various things. She used to work for many years on special projects, such as testing new medicines, or finding new ways of treating cancer. At the present she is the manager of a small enterprise.


Owner of the invention?



3.  Protection


Patent Status:

Hu Utility model application



November 17, 2007


Countries where it is in force



4.      Business intention
