Suzhou Submission Form

1.  The Invention


Title: Regeneration and elongation technology of blades durability

in steam turbine terminal stages

The problem the inventor(s) wanted to solve:  Terminal stages blades of steam turbine work in the moist steam atmosphere. Precipitating water drops, hit spinning turbine blades (terminal stage) and induce great blades edges of attack erosion which leads to significant decrease of turbine work efficiency, durability and exploitation reliability.

 Description: W Politechnice Częstochowskiej opracowano technologię wytwarzania wielowarstwowego systemu powłokowego pozwalającego w znacznym stopniu ograniczyć te niekorzystne zjawisko.   System powłokowy można wytwarzać na łopatkach turbin bez potrzeby szczególnej obróbki i nie wymagane jest demontaż łopatek z wału turbiny.

Presentation:  Poster

Fields of application: At Czestochowa University of Technology, a new technology has been worked out – multilayer coating system production technology that enables to reduce this adverse phenomenon to great extend.

Advantages: Using physical properties of multilayer coating system enables for reduction of erosion and cavitation influence caused by steam drops precipitation on blades surface at turbine terminal stages. Very hard coating material grains, embedded in final working layer elastic base of coating system give protection from over wear. Coating system provides high base adhesion – in precoat-binding layer metallurgical bindings occur between the base and the sprayed layer and thanks to great intermediate layer flexibility, long and effective work of hard working layer of the system is possible.

Stage of development:

Documentation available:


2.  The inventor (or inventors):


Name(s): Sławomir MOREL

Photo. None

Owner of the invention?

The Industrial Furnaces and Environment Protection Department,

The Technical University of Czestochowa

3.  Protection


Patent Status:
Priority :

4.  Business intention



Selling the new product

5.  Contact:


The Industrial Furnaces and Environment Protection Department,

The Technical University of Czestochowa

Address: Av. Armii 19, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland

Tel.: +48 34 325 07 74,  +48 34 325 07 23, cell phon:  +48 0505 530 142
