Suzhou Submission Form

1.  The Invention


Title: Diabase as a perspective raw material for the production insulating materials in the new technologies

The problem the inventor(s) wanted to solve:  New technological solutions are explored which provide new materials of better resistance and functional properties.

Description: Crystalline phases appear at temperatures higher tan 800oC. The first of this is titanomagnetite and the next ones are pyroxenes of augite type as well as hematite.

The glass characterized by the higher chemical resistance for water and sulphur acid solution. After the treatment in 530°C/1h in atmosphere of water vapour the tested diabase and basalt glasses showed some changes, observed mainly on their surfaces.

Presentation:  Poster

Fields of application: A tendency to replace basalts by other magmatic basic rocks in the production of rock wool has been observed recently. However, the melts mainly from basalts show respectively high crystallization ability which is disadvantageous from the view point of the fibres produced.

Advantages: The latest investigations confirm that the crystallization ability of glass obtained from diabase much lower than basalt glasses. Lower crystallization ability of diabase glasses causes the production of insulating fibrous materials to be more suitable. The crystallization ability of molten diabase obtained was determinated by annealing of its glass at various temperatures during different times.

Documentation available:


2.  The inventor (or inventors):


Names: Malgorzata LUBAS, Piotr WYSZOMIRSKI 

Owner of the invention?

Czestochowa University of Technology

Materiale Engineering Institute

3.  Protection


Patent Status: patent pending

Priority :

4.  Business intention



Selling the new product

5.  Contact:


Czestochowa University of Technology

Materiale Engineering Institute

Address: Av. Armii Krajowej 19, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland

Tel. +48 34 325 07 32, cell phone: +48 604 408 250  e-mail: