The Suzhou Submission Form

1.  The Invention


Title “Method for the determination of mining production concentration in longwall panel, especially for exploration with caving, and equipment for its realization”

 In a developed economical model required daily production or total costs of coal winning were distinguished as variables which are explained and longwall panel resources and time of mining were distinguished as explaining variables. The other interpenetrating impact factors were parametrized. As high mining production concentration was defined in economical categories, a model which enables to determine a daily production, for which at least the balance between the cost of coal winning from a given longwall face and the revenue from coal selling is reached, at a constant price, was developed. A total cost of coal winning, including all production stages such as: preparation of longwall panel, longwall equipping, mining and liquidation of longwall panel, was taken into account in a model.
Presentation. POSTER
Fields of application Coal Mining
Advantages The proposed model enables the determination of the conditions of economic efficiency of coal extraction from longwall faces.
Stage of development. design
Documentation available:  ( ) No     

2.  The inventor (or inventors)


Name(s) Marek Jaszczuk, Jan KANIA
Self introduction. Professor Marek Jaszczuk is a Deputy Director at the Institute of Mining Mechanization of at the Department of Mining and Geology of the Silesian University of Technology. The others work at the same Institute.
Owner of the invention? Silesian University of Technology

3.  Protection


Patent Status:
    - Patent(s) pending   
    - Utility model

Priority 14.02.2007
Countries where it is in force, Poland

4.  Business intention


Licensing, Cooperation

5.  Contact


Name Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Mining Mechanisation
Address: 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Akademicka 2                                      
Fax +48 32 237 15 95

Tel +48 32 237 12 74 