The Suzhou Submission Form

1.  The Invention


Title: Process for producing bisphenol A

The problem the inventor(s) wanted to solve: Production of high quality, colorless epoxy resins for production of transparent polycarbonates, with a use of process characterized by competitive energy and raw-material consumption indexes.
Description. New technology includes: novel unit of BPA synthesis by condensation reaction of acetone and phenol, carried out with use of modified cation exchanger catalyst; separation and raffination of final product unit; new and effective by-products transformation unit and modern phenolic water purification unit, guaranteeing very low content of impurities (mainly phenol and acetone) in waste water.

Presentation. POSTER
Fields of application: Manufacture of plastics, in particular polycarbonates, epoxy resins and also obtaining various plastics additives like flame-retardants.
Advantages: - possibility of manufacture of bisphenol A with high selectivity and capacity of p,p-BPA isomer. High purity of the final product enables its application for formation of high quality, colorless epoxy resins and for production of transparent polycarbonates. Process is characterized by competitive energy and raw-material consumption indexes, it also causes no wastes problems.

Stage of development. Choose one of the following: text only, design, prototype,
    pre-production, production item.
Documentation available:  ( ) No   (x) Yes
   If the answer is YES, give details such as: leaflet, brochure, sample, video, website, etc.

2.  The inventor (or inventors)


Name(s): Boguslaw TKACZ, Teresa RDESINSKA-CWIK, Kamil KULESZA, Andrzej KRUEGER, Stanislaw MATYJA, Maria MAJCHRZAK

Owner of the invention? (Is it the inventor?)   ( x) No  ( ) Yes
    If the answer is NO, indicate the name of the owner (person, company, etc.)

Institute of Heavy Organic SyntesisBlachownia”, POLAND

3.  Protection


Patent Status: patent pending

4.  Business intention



5.  Contact



Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia


ul. Energetyków 9, 47-225  Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland
Fax  (+48/077) – 487 30 60   Tel +48/077 – 487 34 70