Suzhou Submission Form

1.  The Invention



Easy to learn self balancing electric unicycle

The problem the inventor(s) wanted to solve

Until now there was no design for easy to use electric unicycle. Gyroscopic stabilization and special steering arraignment allow user to ride this electric unicycle simple as bicycle.



This invention is electric unicycle, which is very simple to use. Average user can learn to ride it in less as 30 minutes. It can be used similar to small electric scoters, but it is smaller, can be stored in car trunk and parked in the office. Please see movie on web site. It has great market potential (only in USA scoter market is 2 millions units annually, this invention can easy acquaire 10 % of this). Kids are loving it and it can be great toy.


Electric unicycle is build from four key components. Wheel with integrated motor, battery pack, electronic unit and frame, which connect those together.


Fields of application:

There are two markets. One is transportation on short distances (city centers, park and ride, big production halls, airport, on vacation). Second market is tow market, which can have even greater potential.



With this electric unicycle we get simple low cost vehicle, which is very easy to learn. Typical user needs 15 minutes to half hour. After this is simple as riding the bicycle. It opens complete new fields of use. It can be easy stored in car trunk and recharged from 220/110 V. With one charge is possible to do 30 km or about three hours. Maximum speed is limited to 15 km/h. It is very low cost to produce.

Stage of development.

Pre-production. Optimization of components needed for lower cost/lower weight.

Documentation available:  (X) Yes

All public documentation is on It includes description, pictures and movies. Development documentation is ready.

2.  The inventor (or inventors)



Aleksander POLUTNIK



Self introduction.

Professional electronic developer and director of electronic product development company.

Owner of the invention? (X) Yes

3.  Protection


Patent Status:
Patent pending in
Slovenia, applied for PCT.


April 2008

4.  Business intention


There are two possible cooperation options:

-          buy out of patent rights for some countries / worldwide.

-          patent licensing contract


5.  Contact


Aleksander POLUTNIK

Ruperce 30k

SI - 2229 Malecnik



Tel.: +386 41 791 619

Fax.: +386 2 46 129 08
