IFIA International Innovation Conference and Seminar

August 10-11 2007, Budapest




"How is the Innovation in the Age of Globalization?" International Conference;

August 10, 10-13 h., Hungarian Patent Office


Keynote lecture:

“Taxation and Innovation” (László Kovács, European Commission, Commissar)


“The Role and Support of WIPO to Innovation Activities in Countries in Transition" (Mihaly Svantner, WIPO, Director, Division of Cooperation for Certain Countries in Europe and Asia)

“The European Patent System” (Miklós Bendzsel dr., Hungarian Patent Office, President)

“The American Inventors Protection Act” (USPTO)

“The Regional Innovation and Global Economy” (Tivadar Lippényi dr., National Research and Technology Office, Hungary, Vice President)

“Inventions and Information” (Hungarian Patent Office)

“The Innovation and the Microbusinesses” (Ron P. Wacks, American Association of Microbusinesses, President Emeritus)

“The Inventions and the Globalization” (András Vedres dr., IFIA President)



„Three Men (Inventor, Innovator and Investor) in a Boat” International Seminar;

August 11, 9-16 h. Corvin” Ship on the Blue Danube.


Innovation Examples (IFIA ExCo members, European Inventor Network representatives, Regional Hungarian Innovation Agencies, several global companies)

IFIA ExCo and European Inventor Network meeting to prepare the next events


IFIA Office covers the cost of hotel (3 nights, August 9-11; Hotel Stadion) and participation fee for ExCo members, head of delegations and speakers.

Deadline of application of free hotel room and indication of “Innovation Example” presentation is: July 12 (to vedres@inventor.hu).