Page 6 - IFIA_Magazine_No9
P. 6

|  IFIA M agazine - S ept ember 2019



                                                                  Initially, Dr. Nabil Alaraji welcomed the participants
                                                                  and stressed the importance of Intellectual Property
                                                                  rights and Patent, expressing: “This has a tremendous
                                                                  effect on the future of our country and constitutes the
                                                                  alphabet of progress for modern societies. Further-
                                                                  more,  the  protection  of  inventions  and  Intellectual
                                                                  property  is  of  immense  importance  and  necessity”.
                                                                  He also stressed on putting into practice the outputs
                                                                  of this workshop in regards to the scientific achieve-
                                                                  ments which play a key role in encouraging inventors
                                                                  and researchers and increases their scientific level.

                                                                  The  Director  of Alketab University,  Dr. Ayad Ghany
                                                                  Ismaeel,  pointed  out  the  attention  this  university
             International Federation  of Inventors’  Associations   pays  to  the  intellectual  property  and  informed  the
             (IFIA)  organized  a  training  workshop  on  Intellectual   audience of the efforts made by the university to un-
             Property and International Patent Protection in Iraq on   dertake it's academic, educational, and social role in
             February 28th, 2019 with the purpose of raising aware-  parallel the intellectual property rights. While playing
             ness on the international protection of inventions. This   this role, legal and ethical functions for protecting the
             workshop was organized by Mr. Bijan Nasiri Azam, the   rights of inventors and innovators in the world, es-
             manager  of  IFIA  IP  center,  with  the  collaboration  of   pecially in Iraq, is enhanced. Particularly when Iraq is
             “Iraqi Society of Inventors and Innovators” supported   regarded as one of the leading countries of the world
             by Alketab University in Palestine Hotel, Baghdad.   for  benefiting  from  human  resource  who  is  able  to
                                                                  create a revolution in the field of the invention and in-
             This event was organized for the first time in Iraq and   novation.
             was supported by the minister of education and scien-
             tific  research,  Dr-Qusay-al-suhail.  Many  of  the  man-
             agers and officers in the ministry of education and re-  The president of “Iraqi Society of Inventors and In-
             search, as well as inventors and researchers took part   novators”, Ms. Traiza Jasim, also indicated the impor-
             in  the  event.  Dr.  Muneam Alshweely,  the  director  of   tance of keeping up with the world advancements in
             supervision and evaluation of private universities and   regards with international treaties for protecting the
             Dr. Nabil Alaraji, the director of evaluation organization   rights of inventors and invited the participants to dis-
             who attended the event on behalf of the minister of   seminate the culture of supporting intellectual prop-
             education and research were present in the workshop.  erty in the country.

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